Background to Build Africa
Build Africa is an international NGO with offices in the UK and supporting organisations in Kenya and Uganda. It aims to improve the quality of education and support livelihoods by developing the capacity of communities. Build Africa works with communities stretching across several regions in Kenya enabling school communities to improve the quality of education they provide for their children. Find Build Africa on for more information.
Background to projects
Recently funding has been awarded to Build Africa by Comic Relief (“Changing Future for Girls”) and the Big Lottery Fund (“The WasichanaProject”) to support two projects tackling the problems facing girls in accessing a quality education in Kwale County by working with girls in school and out of school, boys, parents, teachers and community members. The projects are working with three local partners: Build Africa Kenya, the Coalition on Violence Against Women (COVAW) and Kwale Welfare and Education Association (KWEA).The projects work in 72 primary school communities in the Msembweni and Kinango districts of Kwale County.
The two projects share a very similar set of outcomes. However, each project has a different logframe with different indicators. Despite this, intended data collection methods against the indicators are very similar. The principal difference will be in the analysis and reporting of the data sets.
Please find more information about the projects in the attached project summary.
Scope of consultancy opportunity
The consultancy will be focused on delivering a baseline study. The objectives of this baseline are to:
a) provide benchmark measures against the projects’ logframe indicators
b) pilot project indicators and data collection tools
This project has been developed following an extensive assessment of the needs of girls both in and out of school in the implementation area, including a review of existing research, analysis of Build Africa’s own learning and a consultation exercise with girls, boys, teachers and parents. As a result, this baseline will not include a needs assessment component.
Please note that the 72 implementation schools are divided into 9 clusters of 8 schools. Some of these clusters are monitored and assessed using the “Changing Futures for Girls” logframe; other clusters are monitored and assessed using “The Wasichana Project” logframe.
As a result, the scope of this consultancy will be to:
Please find more information on the consultancy opportunity in the document attached.