****Handicap International is looking for a****
****Head of Mission Libya – based in Tunis (Tunisia)****COUNTRY : LIBYA CITY : Tunis****Starting date : 01/03/2015 Length of the assignment : 8 months, (subject to funding)****Closing date for application :06/02/2015
Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.
Handicap International is a not-for-profit organisation with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission.
For more details on the association: http://www.handicap-international.fr/en/s/index.html
In April 2011 HI deployed its first teams on the ground to Benghazi to deliver emergency Risk Education (RE) to civilians caught in the conflict that erupted two months earlier between those loyal to the long-time rule of Colonel Gaddafi and those who opposed it. Within five months of delivering emergency RE to populations in the east in Benghazi, Brega, Ajdabiyah and Ras Lanuf to the most at risk communities, predominantly to internally displaced persons living in camps, once the security situation stabilised HI expanded to Misrata and Sirte to deliver Risk Education to affected populations. Soon after, four Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) teams were established to survey and clear explosive items conducting Battle Area Clearance (BAC) and responding to direct reports from the community for Spot Tasks in both Sirte and Misrata.
Throughout the succeeding three years the programme transformed from emergency interventions into a post conflict reconstruction phase, operating an integrated Mine Action programme undertaking EOD through BAC and Spot Tasks, clearance of ERW from within a large Ammunition Storage Area (ASA) in Misrata that had been damaged by NATO bombs in 2011, Risk Awareness (RA) on Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Community Liaison within conflict affected communities of Tripoli, Misrata and Sirte. Between 2011-2014, over 122,000 items of ERW have been removed from over 30 million m2 of high impacted and contaminated land. Safe land is returned to those who desperately need it, to farm, for recreation and for restoration of damaged infrastructure, including homes, health centres and schools. Over 110,000 at-risk civilians have had access to life-saving Risk Awareness including Internally Displaced Persons, teachers, school children, Boy Scouts and civil society organisations members.
Owing to a progressive decrease in the security situation across the country, two projects are being developed for 2015, which will be managed from the Tunisian coordination office and implemented through local project staff and partners in Libya. The two projects are as follows –
Subject to funding, the HI Libya programme is envisaged to consist of a management team of 5, across the two new projects, based from HI’s existing office in Tunis and 15 local staff working from a base in Tripoli.
Since August 2014 the international community almost in its entirety, including NGOs, UN agencies and embassies relocated to Tunisia due to the political and security situation in Libya. The main coordination for Libya programmes is still operating from Tunisia. Due to the remote management of the projects, as well as programme development, the Head of Mission will be heavily involved in supporting project implementation along with project staff ensuring donor obligations are met with special emphasis on monitoring and evaluation of activities through HI project staff and partners.
The post-holder directly line-manages 3 staff: Admin Coordinator, 2 Project Managers. Main external interactions for the Head of Mission include the national mine action authorities and other government institutions, UNMAS and other NGOs, as well as the donor community and local partners. Coordination between the different stakeholders takes place at least once a month through programme managers and operational meetings in Tunis.
The Head of Mission reports directly the Desk Officer from the Mine Action Division at HQs level. However, the Head of Mission will work in close collaboration with the HI Development Unit’s Maghreb offices (the regional office based in Morocco and the Tunisia country office). HI’s development oriented activities in support to the disability sector are led by the Development Unit and the HoM is committed to supporting development projects opportunities in Libya.
The main stakes are:
General mission:
Main Responsibilities:
You have/are:
The Head of Mission will be based in Tunis, Tunisia, operating from the existing HI office. Dependent on the evolution of the context and subject to rigorous security assessments, with other expatriate staff visits to Libya may be required for monitoring and evaluation purposes.
Context/Security: Tunisia is considered a safe country to work in, especially in Tunis where a good standard of living can be expected.
Libya can be a highly stressful environment with fluctuant security. International staff should to be aware that Libya is in a state of conflict and that in many areas of the country fighting is still ongoing. Fierce fighting broke out in Tripoli and other western areas in July 2014 and although Tripoli itself is now relatively secured, the situation could quickly change.
Since the most recent conflict there has been limited foreign embassies open in Libya after most of the international community, including the UN, evacuated. By early November limited embassies and NGOs had returned. Most European embassies are unable to offer consular assistance at this time.
Security: Level 3 for Tripoli (unstable and tense). Should a visit to Libya be required, a curfew would be imposed and movement restrictions applied. Since the outbreak of conflict in 2014 and the subsequent political crisis affecting most areas of the country, the context is still fluctuant and unpredictable, in Eastern and Western areas. Libya is also a conservative Islamic country and cultural sensitivity and religious respect are obviously required.
Travel: Roads are in good state; nevertheless, traffic can be pretty hazardous. Check-points are set up in cities and on highways. Movement by road would be with a HI driver at all times.
Living conditions: Living conditions in Libya are decent; the office and guest house are in the same building and are well equipped and comfortable with running electricity, water and air conditioners
Salary:2400-2700€ gross salary/month + 457 Euros net/month expatriation allowance + medical cover + repatriation insurance + indemnity for partner and children: individual housing in Tunis taken by HI with a participation of the expatriate of maximum 457 euros per month
Living conditions: He/she will share accommodation with between 1 – 4 other expatriates, unless they choose to rent their own apartment. If shared accommodation is the preferred option, an equipped and comfortable guesthouse will be identified for the expatriates.