International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI), a U.S. based international development consulting company established in 1987, has worked in over one hundred countries and has implemented over two hundred projects. IBTCI has produced Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services for governments, private sector companies and several donor agencies in the practice area of M&E across many sectors including education, health, economic growth and democracy & governance. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work. Respect and integrity are the basis of our core values.
IBTCI is vying for a contract to conduct a mid-term performance evaluation of USAID/Morocco’s Favorable Opportunities to Reinforce Self-Advancement for Today’s Youth (FORSATY). This evaluation will serve the following purposes:
· Provide the mission with concrete evidence regarding to what extent to which FORSATY achieved its objectives through December 2014;
· Determine any recommended mid-course adjustments for the program to improve results moving forward, particularly focusing on the capacity strengthening of CSOs;
· To inform how this project would be best replicated in other regions of Morocco.
The primary task of the evaluation team will be to analyze the performance of FORSATY midway through program implementation and make recommendations for improvements in ongoing and future programming. This evaluation will cover the period from the award date through December 2014. The USAID/Morocco Mission, specifically the Office of Democracy and Governance, will use the analysis of this evaluation to guide the direction of FORSATY in the remaining project life. The implementing partner, IOM, will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of project activities to date and adjust the upcoming work-plan based on the evaluation recommendations.
Period of Performance: 7 weeks including 3 weeks of fieldwork; February 28 start date
The Youth Development SME will assist the evaluation team and team leader in all aspects of the evaluation related to youth development.
The Youth Development SME must have the following skills/experience:
· Solid knowledge English and either French, Darija, or Arabic
· Experience in Civil Society Organization (CSO) capacity strengthening
· Extensive experience in facilitating interviews and/or group discussions in the targeted languages
· Extensive experience in youth development
· Youth development analysis experience
· Gender analysis experience is desirable